Today our whole team assembled for a lunch-time barbeque to celebrate the fact that we are more than half way through $37M Neutron Beam Expansion Project, which is funded by the Australian Government's Super-Science Initiative.
This 4-year project includes a new split cold-neutron guide, three new instruments and some high-end sample environment apparatus. At this point, we have signed contracts for 68% of the value of the major components, and have tenders out for an additional 5% of the total value.
All major contracts should be let by the end of this year. Specifically, the main CG-2 Guide Contract has been placed, the detectors, choppers and vacuum vessel for the BILBY time-of-flight SANS instrument, the detectors, Doppler drive and vacuum vessel for the EMU backscattering spectrometer, and the detector, sample stage and main shielding for the DINGO imaging station have all been ordered, as has the full scope of new sample-environment apparatus.
Published: 14/10/2011