Recent work involving Monash University and ANSTO, and using our QUOKKA Small-Angle Neutron Scattering instrument, has been published in the American Association for the Advancement of Science's new online journal Science Advances.
The work, using small-angle neutron scattering and other methods, sheds light on how ions are transported in porous carbon, in this case graphene-based membranes. It is relevant to many real-world applications, including molecular adsorption/ separation, water purification, electrochemical capacitive energy storage, catalysts and fuel cells
The full reference is: C. Cheng, G. Jiang, C. J. Garvey, Y. Wang, G. P. Simon, J. Z. Liu and D. Li, "Ion transport in complex layered graphene-based membranes with tuneable interlayer spacing", Science Advances e1501272 (2016).
Published: 17/02/2016