The Bragg Institute solicits user feedback via an online form, along with other means, and has already received more feedback this financial year (i.e. since July 2014) than in any previous full year: 62 formal responses so far.
Generally the feedback is complimentary, and scores have risen steadily over the last fifteen years, with answers to the same standard set of questions.
We have also updated another webpage, listing some of the concrete actions that ANSTO has taken in response to such customer feedback. These include significant modifications or improvements to EMU, KOALA, PELICAN, QUOKKA, TAIPAN and SIKA, just in the last year, along with improvements to access and our webpages.
Of course we receive much other feedback that we use for trend analysis, and also as a store of desired improvements for the future, particularly with respect to accommodation, public transport and the provision of food in the evenings and at weekends. In the long term, ANSTO has the ambition to improve these.
We well realise that such improvement is an ongoing task, that standards and customer expectations around the world are rising, and that we may not always realise or fully understand what our users need and want. So we will continue to urge our users to continue giving us feedback, as we strive to give better service.
Published: 07/04/2015