The Australian Research Council announced today the success of a number of grant applications involving the Institute.
Chris Ling (joint lecturer with Sydney University) was successful in gaining $210k for Australia's first floating-zone crystal growth furnace, a crucial piece of equipment if we are to make full proper use of the two 3-Axis spectrometers under construction at OPAL.
In addition, John Riley (La Trobe University), supported by Dehong Yu and Anton Stampfl, was successful in a $623k proposal for Australia's first Molecular-Beam Epitaxy growth system for metals, a crucial piece of equipment for making spintronic materials and devices that can by well studied by polarised-beam neutron reflectometry on our new reflectometer PLATYPUS.
Jill Trewhella (Federation Fellow, jointly with Sydney U.) was also successful in her $950k proposal on "Facility for Structural Analysis of Bio-Molecular Complexes and Self Assembly", which will provide a second SAXS instrument in Sydney.
Published: 09/11/2005