This week, AINSE and ANBUG are hosting the 2011 AINSE and ANBUG Neutron Scattering Symposium. This annual 3-day event features plenary talks on "The Political and Economic Complementarity of Neutrons and X-rays" (Chris Ling, Sydney U.), "Medical Applications of Synchrotron Radiation: Growth and Outlook for an Emerging Field of Science" (Bill Thomlinson, Monash U.) and "Short-Range Order in Functional Oxides" (Darren Goossens, Australian National University).
In addition, 2 prizes will be given out: the ANBUG Award for Neutron Science, and the ANBUG Award for Career Achievements in Neutron Science. 114 attendees, from 23 institutions, registered for the meeting and presented 94 papers.
Published: 01/12/2010