Today, ANSTO approved funding for KOOKABURRA, an Ultra Small-Angle Neutron Scattering or USANS instrument. The instrument will be placed on the CG3 cold-neutron guide upstream of the PLATYPUS reflectometer.
It uses the classical Bonse-Hart method, and will be similar to the recently constructed USANS instrument at NIST. The KOOKABURRA project is led by Christine Rehm and the instrument is expected to be available in mid-2013.
It complements our existing pinhole SANS machine, QUOKKA, and will extend the Q-range down to 3 x 10-5 A-1, which corresponds to objects with sizes up to 20 microns.
The main applications will be for soft-matter and biological systems, porous materials, the earth scienes and engineering materials, including potential industrial applications understanding in paints, oil and gas recovery and issues for the steel industry.
Published: 02/03/2009