A small focussed workshop on Neutron Scattering in High Magnetic Fields? was held in Queenstown on the South Island of New Zealand, as part of the AMN-2 International Conference on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology.
The workshop was sponsored by the MacDiarmid and Bragg Institutes, and featured attendees from Industrial Research Limited, HTS-110 a Wellington-based start-up company commercialising high-temperature-superconductor current leads and magnets, and ANSTO.
Invited talks from other than Australia/New Zealand included ?The N40T and N25T High Magnetic Field Projects at the Hahn-Meitner Institute? by Michael Meissner (BENSC, HMI), ?Committee on High Magnetic Fields - Summary of the US National Research Committee Study? by Mike Rowe (NIST), and ?Options for Neutron-Scattering Magnets? by John Miller (NHMFL, Tallahassee).
In conclusion, it was recommended that (1) we explore the possibility of building a 3-5T high-Tc magnet for SANS and neutron reflectometry, (2) we look at acquiring a 15-T split pair system like those available in Europe, and (3) that we engage with the emerging collaboration between SNS, APS and NHMFL in the USA, which will likely build magnets in the 25-T range for both neutron and synchrotron applications.