The Institute is involved in a total of 3 successful ARC Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities grants totalling $1.6M. The most important of these, led by AINSE and involving 8 universities around the country, is for a "High-Throughput Neutron Spectrometer for the Study of Atomic and Molecular Motion at ANSTO".
It involves a new alternate secondary spectrometer for our TAIPAN 3-Axis spectrometer, a beryllium-filter option directed at molecular spectroscopy, and is similar to the FANS instrument at NIST in the USA.
Overall, this represents a $1M inward investment at OPAL. Other grants were for sample-preparation equipment at UNSW and 2 years of extended access to the Australian National Beamline Facility at the Photon Factory in Japan.
Published: 18/11/2008