A Workshop has been held at Lucas Heights, on "Polarised Neutron Scattering at ANSTO". 35 participants attended, from 8 Australian and overseas universities, ANSTO Institutes, and leading overseas neutron laboratories.
All participants had the opportunity to give their vision for the scientific opportunities with polarized neutron beams and polarization analysis, and interest covered a wide range of subjects, including spin valves, high-temperature superconductors, disordered magnetic systems and the separation of incoherent from coherent scattering in a range of non-magnetic systems.
Invited talks were given highlighting both the latest science results and technical aspects (Tom Gentile, NIST, USA; Thomas Keller, MPI-Stuttgart, Germany; and Ken Andersen, ILL, France).
There was consensus that there is a compelling case for polarisation analysis on all three of our inelastic-scattering instruments, and for diffraction using the WOMBAT high-entensity powder diffractometer.
For most of these applications, polarised 3He is the preferred technology. The workshop report will be available shortly.
Published: 28/11/2007