A Workshop has been held at Lucas Heights, on "Pushing Small-Angle Neutron Scattering at OPAL to Smaller-Q". 39 participants attended, from 9 Australian Universities, CSIRO, Industry, the Australian Synchrotron, 3 ANSTO Institutes, and 3 leading overseas neutron laboratories.
All participants had the opportunity to give their vision for work using USANS in 2010 and beyond, and interest covered a wide range of subjects from polymer science and biology, to cement, nanocomposites, various industrial applications, magnetic nanoparticles and and even wine and milk.
Invited talks were given on the subjects of "Science we can do at Lower Q" (John Barker, NIST, USA, Markus Strobl, HMI, Germany and Wim Bouwman, TU Delft, The Netherlands), followed up with talks on "Technical Aspects" by the same speakers, see report for more details.
Published: 15/11/2007